We have been leaders in solar energy for over 4 decades

Samansco was founded in 1982 to promote appropriate technologies and sustainable development in Southern Africa. The primary focus of the company has been renewable energy, with a specific focus on solar photovoltaic power. At Samansco, we are committed to the development of technologies appropriate for rugged African conditions.

We support small scale solar companies, Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations, working for a sustainable future. Our promise is to create solutions that will bring communities together through provision of solar power for households, offices and especially remote areas with the greatest needs. Our industry experience is reflected in the careful consideration we take for the products we provide to our clients and partners

Story Behind Samansco Industries

Our Vision

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Our Mission

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Our Achievement

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Trusted by the top 100+ companies worldwide

Meet Our Team

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Nyasha Bamhare

Chief Executive Officer

Jerry Musungo

Business Development Manager

Tafadzwa Tsanga


Our Milestones Over The Years


Company founded by Architect Faizal Gangat, business and community leaders, including the local Mayor and Provincial Governor in Masvingo, Zimbabwe.


Company purchases Victoria Plumbing Works and begins expansion into appropriate technology and renewable energy field.


With the support of the Zimbabwe Development Bank company invests over US$1 million in the construction of plant and purchase of equipment to manufacture Soladur solar thermal water systems under license from Wolfgang & Hauck, Germany. Company gains Exclusive rights for the product for the entire SADC & PTA Markets including Mauritius, Seychelles and Madagascar.


Company completes largest Solar Thermal Installation at the time in Central and Southern Africa at the National Technology Institute, in Malawi beating out a host of international competition in the process and establishing itself as a regional force in solar energy.


Installs first solar powered street light in Zimbabwe for the Rural District Council of Gutu.


Opens Harare Regional Office.


Founding member of Solar Industries Association of Zimbabwe.


Appointed Exclusive Solarex (BP Solar) Distributor for Zimbabwe.